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RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship

Course Duration - 2 days
A basic introduction to navigation and safety for anyone new to boating: sailors, powerboaters, sea anglers, divers and boatmasters. Also useful for experienced dinghy and keelboat sailors and inshore racers.
Previous Knowledge required - None
Minimum age 14
Instructor : Student ratio - 1 : 6
Course content
Charts and publications
Rules of the road
Weather forecasts
Passage planning
Ability after the course
Basic knowledge of navigation and safety
Course cost
£150.00 includes course pack, equipment and refreshments
Deposit required at booking - 25% of course cost
Available course dates are on the Plan B Sea School tab
The course requires a minimum of 3 candidates to run.
To Book a course get in touch via
email -
or call the office on 02394 008561 to book
You will then be sent a booking form and invoice separately.
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